The cold is here! If you are a fan of carrying , you will have to adapt to winter . Whether you carry your child with a baby carrier in the winter , a sling or a sling, it is important to think about how you dress your baby, and yourself. Do you need to dress your child more? Should you wear it inside or outside your coat? Do you need additional blankets or accessories? Here are several questions that I will answer in this article to help you carry your baby in winter in the best conditions.

Don't let the temperatures deter you from going out! Fresh air can be a miracle cure for a baby and helps keep everyone healthier and happier. Tight against your body, you and your worn baby will share your warmth. Carrying your baby in winter is like having your own hot water bottle!

Carrying in winter: priority to safety and comfort

Using a baby carrier in the winter allows you to go where no stroller can go! You can go off the beaten path safely, but our first tip is probably the most important: put on proper shoes! We'll put the style aside for a few weeks... When you carry your baby, your center of gravity is shifted. The slightest patch of ice or wet leaves on the ground can be a risk for you and your child. It is absolutely necessary to avoid falling by wearing suitable shoes, without heels and if possible with crampons.

Babies and young children regulate their temperature less well than we do. They can get cold or hot more easily than adults. The smaller the baby, the more we have to be careful of temperature extremes. It is believed that the main risk in winter is that baby gets too cold. But there is also the risk that it will be too hot if it has been covered too much.

Check if your baby is too cold or too hot: There is a very easy way to check if your baby is too cold or too hot when you wear it in winter. Just put a few fingers in the back of his neck. It should be warm and comfortable, not too cold or too hot or even clammy. A baby with a sweaty back is the most reliable sign that he doesn't need so many layers of clothes.

winter wrap

You can also check the color of his face, hands and feet. Their behavior can also give you an idea. Babies who are too hot often fuss, so babies who are cold may be less active.

Should I wear my baby under or over my coat in winter?

For tummy and hip carry, it is generally more comfortable and convenient to carry your baby close to your body. With your own slightly loose coat, why not suitable for carrying or with a blanket over it. This will allow you to share body heat. You will also have better weight distribution for comfortable and safe carrying. If you try to use a baby carrier or sling over a heavy coat, the carrier won't fit as well.

For back -carrying and carrying toddlers, it may be more convenient to wear them over your coat, especially if they often want to get on and off.

In winter, carrying on the fully covered back can be more restrictive than carrying on the stomach or on the hips. And this even if you use special coats for babywearing. Unless your child is taking a nap, you don't want to have to put their coat on every time they feel like going downstairs! So make sure your baby or child is properly dressed for the weather by wearing it over your clothes.

Baby carrier in winter, how to dress?

This will obviously depend on the weather! As a general rule, your baby should wear one more diaper than you feel comfortable in. Several thinner, breathable layers can be more comfortable than one thick layer, and will also help with proper weight distribution and fit in a carrier. This goes for both you and your baby: it can be easier and more comfortable to layer long-sleeved tops and zippered sweaters under or over a baby carrier than a heavy coat.

  • Carrying in winter under your coat : if you carry your baby under your coat, just dress yourself and your baby in the appropriate indoor clothes, then put the baby carrier and your coat over it. Your baby won't need their own coat. The advantage is that you don't have to wake a baby to put on a coat when going from indoors to outdoors: he can take a comfortable nap in the carrier without being disturbed.
  • Keep Extremities Covered : Your torsos may be snug under all those tops and carriers, but those parts that stick out may need some help staying warm!
  • Keep your head warm : For infants, make sure they wear a hat. Their head represents 20% of their body surface against 8% in adults. It is essential to keep it warm.
  • Multiply the layers on the feet, legs and arms: extra socks, soft booties and leggings are perfect for putting them under or over clothing and can be removed easily if your baby gets too hot.
  • Baby overalls and coats : If you wear your baby over your own coat, you will need to dress them for the weather. It will not be warmed by your body heat, which is why a winter suit can be a good option. Padded coveralls can affect how a baby fits in a carrier, sling or sling. This is why some parents prefer fleece suits, which are less bulky, but still very warm.
  • Don't overdress your baby! Although it can be quite cold in France, the weather is generally not arctic and a baby held close to your body with their extremities protected is not likely to suffer from exposure to cold. Some babies (and adults) are hotter than others, so don't be afraid to remove diapers if you feel your baby is too hot.

Do I need a babywearing blanket or a babywearing coat?

Not necessarily. While a coat or blanket can be handy and comfortable, you can get by without it. The choice is yours according to your budget and your needs.

Use a wrap in winter

I dwell a little on the use of a wrap in winter . Unlike a preformed baby carrier, the sling adds layers of fabric to your baby. These must be taken into account when dressing your child to avoid overheating.

At June 22, we thought of you by creating sling wraps in organic cotton fleece. These slings are easy to use, physiological and above all very cozy to keep baby warm, to be found here: winter sling wrap collection

November 19, 2020 — Athéna Beltran

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