Does your baby cry often and you don't know how to calm him down? Do you feel helpless, tired and helpless? Don't worry, if your baby is crying, it's normal . Indeed, crying is your baby's way of communicating with you, his parents. He seeks to capture your attention so that you meet his needs. Over time, you will learn to recognize crying and how to calm your baby . It takes a lot of patience, but be aware that a baby cries on average two hours a day, and that a quarter of infants cry for more than three hours a day. In addition, crying is increasingly important during the first 3 months of baby's life. You should know that some babies cry more than others, so don't worry if you have a baby around you who cries less than yours.

In the meantime, is this worrying you and you are desperately looking for a solution? First of all, it is important to know what is causing your baby to cry so that you can calm him down . Indeed, depending on the origin of the crying, the response will not be the same to calm your baby

Why baby cries and how to calm him down?

First of all, it is necessary to check that his basic needs are satisfied or not.

Baby is thirsty or hungry

If he cries after feeding or bottle feeding, it probably means he's still hungry. To calm him down, try to give him food again. Growth spurts lead baby to have more appetite.

Her diaper is dirty

Baby may cry because, following a small or large errand, his diaper is wet or dirty. This bothers and irritates him. Change his diaper and everything will be fine!

how to calm baby

It's too hot or too cold

Your child should be dressed for the weather. Baby should not be covered too much if it is hot, he feels the heat like us. It is of course necessary to take care to protect it well when it is cold, in particular its hands, its feet and its head which are sensitive to the cold. It is often said that a baby should have one more layer of clothing than its parents.

baby is tired

Baby rubs his eyes, yawns or has his brow bones a little red? These are the signs that he is tired. For baby to fall asleep in good conditions, he must be calm and the room temperature must be between 18 and 20 degrees. He will sleep badly if he is too hot and will only be able to express it by crying. He should also be lying on his back. He will be grumpy and irritable if he doesn't get enough sleep .

He's not hungry, his diaper is clean, he's covered properly, he slept well... But he's crying? He may be feeling physical pain. Here are the possible causes:

He has a stomach ache

it's a classic among babies. The digestive system is not yet mature, which causes the famous infant colic . These can be spotted if you see your baby clenching his fists while arching and hugging his knees to his stomach. They usually disappear around the age of 3 months.

How to calm baby's colic?

You can gently massage his belly. These gestures can be learned from childcare professionals. You can also take him in your arms to calm him down or better, carry him in a baby carrier or in a sling. Physical contact and the fact of being gently cradled thanks to the portage will reassure and soothe baby. In addition, you will have your hands free and the position will be more comfortable for you as well.

relieve baby colic

June 22 carry sling - Nude model

Namely, your baby may also have a stomach ache because he is suffering from diarrhea or constipation. In this case, it is necessary to consult your doctor.

He has gastric reflux

This is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The contents of his small stomach back up into his esophagus, causing him pain. Also known as esophagitis . This is probably the cause if baby cries after his bottle or a feed. It is very painful and your child can only express his discomfort by crying. He may benefit from medical treatment to relieve and calm him down. In addition, other methods exist to comfort him, such as raising the head of his bed to block the lifts, taking breaks during meals, keeping him in a vertical position during meals, making him burp well... Babywearing is also a good solution, because it will allow your baby to remain in an upright position and to be soothed by physical contact.

how to calm baby?

Baby carrier Easy Baby June 22

He hurts somewhere

Your baby is crying because he is sick . He may suffer from otitis, teething, fever… In this case, he will have appropriate medical treatment. However, the pain may persist. Do not hesitate to take baby in your arms to reassure and relax him.

The other causes that can explain baby crying?

Baby feels parent's stress

A baby is a sponge, he feels like his own the emotions of his parents, especially his mother. If you are stressed, your child will feel it and express it by crying. It is often said that the mother and her infant are connected. It is therefore important to remain zen and relaxed as much as possible.

keep calm

He cries for no particular reason

The first months of his life, a baby cries 2 to 3 hours a day, we also speak of cries of "discharges" , which often occur in the early evening. These cries are hard to calm down. Do not hesitate to take baby in your arms and rock him.

Need for sucking

In some cases, a pacifier or the breast can calm him down.

Baby is bored and needs attention

In this case, playing with him will distract him. A rattle, early learning games, soft toys... There are many ways to play with your child and awaken him.

He wants to be against you

Baby simply wants to be in the arms of his parents , which is common. Do not hesitate to keep it with you thanks to a baby carrier or a sling. Your child needs physical contact, it is essential for a harmonious development.

Calming baby through physical contact

In general , do not hesitate to take your baby in his arms when he cries. Gone are the days of letting infants cry so they wouldn't get used to arms. Don't listen to bad advice: "Let him cry, don't hug him, he'll become capricious!" ". It has been proven that on the contrary, the most effective method to reduce crying is to take the baby in your arms as soon as he cries and to keep him close to you as much as possible. A baby needs to be reassured and gain confidence. This method is facilitated by carrying, whether in a sling or a baby carrier.

The benefits of carrying to calm baby

Babywearing is thus practiced in many countries and increasingly favored in Western countries. For example, many mothers in African countries practice intensive carrying, that is to say that the baby is practically permanently in physical contact with their mother. Other countries, such as South Korea, also practice "intensive" mothering by carrying their baby and immediately responding to their child's cries. Co-sleeping is also practiced: it consists of sleeping with your baby. A study has thus shown that babies benefiting from these attentions calm down much more quickly than a baby who is left to cry before intervening, as is done in the West.

relieve baby

Palm Sensation sling wrap - June 22 photo credit @mividaen1maleta

You can keep baby close to you thanks to the baby carrier or the sling . The sling has the advantage of respecting your baby's morphology. In addition, natural rocking and physical contact will soothe and reassure him. You will have your hands free to carry out your usual activities.

Consult a healthcare professional

If the baby's crying is too intense and too frequent , if he cries abnormally or much more than usual, it is necessary to consult your doctor or pediatrician . It may hide a disease. In addition, if you feel overwhelmed, helpless, ready to crack, you should ask for help from those around you or from professionals, such as the PMI. Do not hesitate to pass the baton to breathe and rest.

In summary , you can find the solution to your baby's crying by determining its cause. Your child needs physical contact to be reassured and soothed. Taking him in his arms, carrying him will help reduce his crying in most situations. If you feel overwhelmed, do not hesitate to seek outside help.

August 11, 2021 — Athéna Beltran

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